Sunday, June 29, 2008

Rain and the Irish

How many Irish pubs must a traveller walk in to before he meets someone who knows Niall?

The answer is quite a few. So we have been in New Zealand for a few days and we have basically spent our time in Irish pubs and getting wet. It has rained every day that we have been here so we have ducked into pubs when we can and they have all been Irish themed. I suppose it would be better if we actually liked Guiness but they are definitely a huge step up over the bars in America.

Although we have been stuck inside alot, we have managed to go up the Sky Tower in Auckland, go to the Auckland museum and go to the Zoo. We were allowed to go into the back of the Red Panda enclosure and feed them because it was too rainy for them to come out. We also fed a giraffe. It gave Jordan a huge lick on the hand... it obviously prefers a shorter lady (Jordan's joke).

We made it into Hamilton yesterday and we've just been hanging round as it's been so wet. We've bought some big jumpers for the time we have left in NZ as it's so cold. We look a bit silly but at least we are warm. The hostel we are staying in is really nice. There was a whole netball team staying last night so we were put into the owners house in a really nice room with a bed so much more comfortable then the ones we have been staying in.

I'm fast running out of time on the net so I'll finish here. I'm trying to upload a few pictures to flickr but it's going really slow (again). I don't think I'll even get to the Alcatraz ones...

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