Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hostel - Part III

Greetings from Hollywood!

We landed safely last night at 7pm local time... 3am in real time. We got driven to the hostel in a mad shuttle bus with a driver who put on his glasses to read his text messages (whilst driving along) but took them off to drive! We arrived in Hollywood at about 9:30 (5:30 UK time) and walked into the grotiest little place on earth. The guy behind reception was wearing a vest and we could smell him across the desk. They had no record of our booking and seemed very hard done by that we were asking for a room. So after paying almost double what we were told (as we didn't have a reservation) we walked into our dorm room.

Oh dear.

There were no blankets, dirty leopard print sheets and some crazy european boys. Jordan was clearly a little distressed at this point so we had a better look around. Our horror at the room was only compounded when we saw the bathrooms. Communal showers and minimal doors on the toilet cubicals didn't help the overall vibe of the place.

So we went for a walk.

After looking for a shop to buy some water we decided to look for better accommodation. We found a rather scary looking motel which didn't have anyone in the office so we carried on looking. It was then that we found our saviour. The 7 Star Hollywood Motel (I doubt it really has 7 stars). After inquiring about room rates and availability we made our decision. We would stay in the dirty Hollywood Hostel for one night and leave promptly in the morning. And this we did.

Now most of you will not believe this but we were up and getting ready at 6 o clock in the morning... no, really. We went out for breakfast at the International House of Pancakes and ate a very small amount of the huge portions given to us (photos coming soon). We went over to our motel and checked in before heading back to pick up our back packs from the hostel. After chucking our bags into our motel room and having some nice long showers we found ourselves in much better spirits and prepared for the day of exploring ahead.

We are now going to see if we can see the Hollywood sign through all of the smog and cloud.

Quote of the holiday so far - 'Is this the Walk of Fame? It's a bit shit isn't it?!' - Jordan.


life_inc said...

Wicked glad ur grounded safe hope u got picks of sweaty man

Anonymous said...

could've been worse...
you could've been at download...