Thursday, August 7, 2008


Our last few days have been spent holed up in our room as Hong Kong has just been narrowly missed by a typhoon. Typhoon signal 8 was in force which tends to close down most businesses for the day such as the stock market and urges people to stay indoors.

Of course we had not prepared for this and had no food. So we psyched ourselves up to get out into the pouring and went out... it was actually fairly pleasent. The rain wasn't too bad and the wind was a huge relief after two weeks of above 30 degrees temperatures. It turned out that this was the tail end of the storm and we weren't quite as brave as we thought. Later we saw on TV that the worst part was in the night and there had actually been quite a lot of damage caused.

The storm has left us with lots of rain which will certainly mean that our last few days in Hong Kong will be spent in the pub next to our guesthouse watching the Olympics on the big screen... oh well, sounds fun.

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